Friday, April 3, 2015

Hoppy Easter!!

Here are some Easter ideas to tuck away for next year... As you may have noticed, I do center rotations instead of holiday parties.  I love ALL holidays, and we're only allowed to have 2 official parties a year.  This is the Kindergarten teacher in me... these "learning" centers are a favorite memory for my former 5th graders.

They sit in their regular table groups and rotate tables.  They stay at each center for 15-20 mins.  This can be done without a parent volunteer, but it's so nice if you can have one!

With a partner, they had a spinner board and spun 6 times each.  They tallied, graphed, and line plotted.  This is from Lory Evans's packet.

Easter Hunt/Math:
I thought about this one long and hard.  I didn't want to just have them graph jelly beans.  I thought about having them make arrays.  But really, they are way past repeated addition.  So I thought about a conversation I'd had early this week:
Parker- "Ms. Collins, even though we're in 2nd grade, can we still have an egg hunt?"
Me- "No, baby, just the Kindergarteners get to do that here at our school."

Then I thought they could hunt for one egg- the one with their name- in cursive- somewhere in our room.  It'd be filled with jellybeans, and then they could graph the info!  They loved it, but the only glitch is that Leslie never found hers.  I counted out 23 eggs twice!  But I'm really started to doubt myself.

Torn-paper Easter egg- the trick is to draw large designs.  My 5th graders wouldn't believe me and would spend FORever on intricate designs.  I have them put glue on one section at a time and then tear away!  The smaller the pieces, the prettier (because one can fill all the blank spots).

Always.  Today they made a Duck Cupcake.  But genius here bought the Spring Food Coloring (lime green, aqua, purple, hot pink).  So we had all colored ducks!  I told them just to use their imaginations.  So, they iced cupcakes.  Next goes on coconut for the feathers.  (Turns out most 2nd graders DON'T like coconut, so I didn't bother dyeing the coconut.)  Then candy corn for beaks & any round candy for eyes.  So sweet.

Happy Easter!  And it's Spring Break for us next week!!

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